Canon T50 (1983)

Canon T50 (1983)

In the early 1980s, the SLR still dominated. Metering systems diversified as camera makers competed fiercely to offer the better camera. The confusion may have turned off users as more people began to avoid SLRs.

In 1981, 35mm SLR production peaked at 7.67 million units. Two years later, this amount shrank by more than 30 percent to 5.37 million units.

Amid such market conditions, the Canon T50 was introduced as a wave-of-the-future 35mm SLR camera. It was the first T-series camera. The camera was designed to respond to the user automatically. It was easy to use and anybody could take pictures with it. It had a power winder (which was well received on the Autoboy) and TTL program AE. In 1983, the T50 won the Good Design Award from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

There is the limited model as T5 in only USA.

Shutter Vertical-travel, focal-plane electronic shutter. With program AE: 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000 sec. Manual at 1/60 sec. X-sync at 1/60 sec. (hot shoe). Built-in electronic self-timer (with beeper).
Viewfinder Fixed eye-level pentaprism. Laser Matte with microprism/new split combination rangefinder.
- Magnification 0.83x
- Coverage 93%
Power Two 1.5 V size-AA batteries
Size 150 x 87 x 48 mm
Weight 490 gr
Write Review


Simplicity itself...'ll soon yearn for more features

Great, rugged, simple. Takes the miriad of FD lenses available, and a few nice add on's like remote shutter & a good speedlight flash. Put it in program, focus & shoot. There is no manual mode, and changing the aperture causes the shutter to default to 1/60, so you can't tweak exposures this way. That said it does exactly what it was designed for, and with good consistency. Its nice to use and handles really well.



Pure Simplicity at last!
First of the T Series... Better to come...

The Canon T series models were a new breed of SLR cameras introduced by Canon to replaced the A Series model. The Canon T-50 was the first model within the T Series. It was built with the concept of everything convenient and easy to use, packed in a light weight body with a built-in integral winder to handle loading, remote control capability ready, offering automatic film advancing except for automatic rewinding and DX coding features from the high-end T-90 model - all sound too luxurious for a bare-bone A series model which may require the attachment of accessories like motor drive or power winder to perform similar tasks. And on its own, the T-50 stands between simplicity and sophistication. It is a simple to operate, inviting and user friendly SLR camera. It shares with most of the system accessories in the huge Canon FD lenses photographic system. It also patches some of the key weaknesses found in the A series model. The silk fabric shutter curtain was replaced with a newly developed vertically travelled metal curtain, which result in a higher achievable sync speed (varies with individual models) as compared with the standard 1/60 sec among all the A series models. The T50 featured here, was almost designed to handle like a P&S camera - other than the film rewind knob, other confusing knobs and switches

Additional information on Canon T-Series Camera

The T-50

Have you noticed how most cameras can be placed in one of two categories? First, there's the "snapshot" division, with cameras which are easy to use, but limited in terms of what they can "see". Then there are the single-lens reflex models. These are more sophisticated, with their ability to change lenses, but they are also generally more complicated and more expensive. Bridging this gap between simplicity and sophistication is the Canon T50. This remarkable camera is as easy to use as the simplest pocket model and is the least expensive of the Canon SLRs, but will give you professional results -- provided you know a thing or two about basic photography, that is. If none, don't worry, the T50 will still give you good results.

Mode selector Normally, the mode selector remains on PROGRAM, giving fully automatic exposure (AE) control. However, if you want to put yourself in the picture, just set the dial to SELF, press the shutter release, and take your place in front of the camera. The shutter will fire after a 10-second delay.

Viewfinder display P indicates that all is ready for an exposure. The symbol blinks slowly if the use of a tripod or flash would help and blinks rapidly when flash is essential. The flash symbol lights up when the Canon Speedlite 244T is ready to fire. If the subject is too far away for correct flash exposure, the "P" symbol will blink rapidly

M blinks when the lens aperture ring is not locked on "A". Manual exposure control and Aperture-priority AE are not possible with the T50.

Auto film loading Just line up the film with an orange mark inside the camera and close the back. Pressing the shutter release will automatically advance the film to the first frame And after each exposure, the built-in micromotor will automatically advance the film to the next frame

Shutter release The soft-release shutter button switches on the viewfinder display when pressed lightly Further pressure fires the shutter. Once the correct film speed is set and the mode selector positioned for PROGRAM, no other adjustments are needed for perfect exposure.*

*The T50 uses centre-weighted average as its exposure metering control and there are no exposure compensation options or AE Lock available to alter the camera's settings.

Battery check Unlike many simple cameras, the T50 lets you check the condition of the two AA-size alkaline battenes which power all the camera functions. Turning the mode selector to "BC" provides an audible indication of the energy level

Flash facility The T50 has its own special flashgun, the Canon Speedlite 244T. Fit this to the camera accessory shoe, switch it on, and start shooting The Speedlite automatically sets all the camera controls for you It's foolproof flash photography. The Speedlites 277T and 299T can also be used.

Remote control A socket on the side of the camera accepts a remote release accessory or, via an adaptor cable, a quartz timer or infrared remote control unit. And the automatic film advance means that you can shoot a sequence of pictures without having to go near the camera. Remote photography has never been simpler.

Interchangeable lenses Like all SLR cameras, the T50 accepts interchangeable lenses. There is a wide range of Canon FD lenses to choose from, including many zoom lenses The FD 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 zoom is an ideal "standard" lens for this camera, giving freedom and flexibility at low cost and was specially made for the T50 when it was launched in 1983.