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Tamron Adaptall-2 80-210mm f/3.8-4

Year -
Lens Groups -
Lens Element -
Aperature Blades -
Minimum Aperture -
Closest Focusing -
Max. Magnifcation -
Filter Size -
Diameter x Length - x -
Hood -
Beefiness NAN
* Calculated from the Focal Length and Minimum Focus Distance.
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Some macro, sharp
Worthless hood, flair, CA

I received this lens second-hand, with the aperture ring broken. The lens was dropped, having it been locked at f/3.8-4. That aside, I have taken several thousands of pictures with this lens.

The Tamron 80-210 f/3.8-4 lens comes with the Adaptall 2 mount, allowing you to mount this lens on other camera bodies besides the Canon FD mount. Handy if you use other camera bodies. The lens originally came with a hard case with a small strap.

Below are some of its specifications.

Lens Construction (group): 10

Lens Construction (element): 13

No. of Diaphragm Blades: 6

Minimum Aperture: f/32

Maximum Aperture: f/3.8-4

Maximum Magnification: 0.9m at 1:2

Filter: 58mm

Angle of view: 30º-11.8º

Maximum Diameter x Length: 65mm x 142.2

Weight: 634g

Hood: cylinder on filter

It comes with a "Macro" feature, being able to focus from 1:10 to a 1:2 ratio. It is not as close as a dedicated macro lens, but can be useful when you cannot bring another lens. I am not sure if this was due to the damage, but the lens is also hard to focus towards the macro focus distances.

The bokah at f/3.8-4 is somewhat ellipse, not completely circular.

The hood has a short thread for fitting onto the lens, resulting in dropping or losing it entirely. I no longer use the hood as it is more of a pain than beneficial. Unfortunately, you need to use some hood, as this lens causes quite a bit of flair, even if the sun or light source is not directly in the frame.

Since my copy was broken, I really never had a chance to try different apertures aside f/3.8-4. However, the lens is pretty sharp at that aperture. Unfortunately, that means that the flair could be more pronounced at smaller apertures.

Under high contrast, this lens also exhibits some chromatic aberration. White is especially prone to blue-red fringing. I find this the largest flaw on this lens.